Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kingston, New York, by Margaret Ullrich, part 4, Transplanting

It's going to be another hot day today.
God bless whoever invented central air conditioning.
Our lilies are starting to bloom.
Our other plants are starting to wilt.
Yes, I watered them.

A week ago a robin was frantically building a nest in the grapevine which shelters our kitchen window. 
After she'd built it, she disappeared.
We were worried she'd had a bad encounter with one of the local cats.
She's back now.
Every so often her head peers over her nest and she stares into our kitchen.
The grape leaves shelter her so that she can't be seen from the second floor windows.

The other Mama Robin is still being hassled by her overgrown kid.
He's like Audrey the plant in Little Shop of Horrors.
Feed me!!  Feed me!!
Some kids just can't take a hint.
Hope the new Mama has better luck.

Forty years ago we were still parked in the Kingston Esso station.
We'd decided to take a walk to the town's shopping mall.
Nothing like browsing a mall to make things feel normal.
Sears, A & P, Azuma...
Shopping.  The great American tranquilizer.
After 9/11 Americans were told to go back to the stores.
That was to show the world that Americans were still okay.

We got groceries, tools, a flashlight, sunglasses and some cute owl-shaped candles.
I also got a pack of Tarot cards.
No, I didn't know how to read them.
They just looked interesting.
Paul worried they'd bring us bad luck.
It started raining on our walk back.
The rain developed into a heavy thunderstorm.
Maybe he was right.

After I'd put our groceries away, I wrote a short note to Ma.
We mailed the letter and walked by the river.
The river seemed higher.
Not a good sign.
We were having a particularly wet summer in New York in 1972.
Oh, well, we'd soon be in Canada.

After supper another trailer was towed into the station.
They'd had a flat tire.
By now we were settled into Kingston.
We helped the family get organized and told them about the mall.
As Marjorie Main said in The Long, Long Trailer:
"I'd like to know what a trailerite is good for if not to help another trailerite."

Carol and Dorothy and their son were longtime trailerites.
We spent the evening learning more about the trailer life.
They shared a few hints with us.
The trailerite life was beginning to look pretty good.

Hope the Mama Robin with the overgrown kid has a few hints for the new Mama.

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