Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Clutter Decisions by Margaret Ullrich, part 7, Weeding

This past Labor Day weekend I got started on clearing out our yard.
We weren't doing much besides watching The Big Bang Theory reruns.
They didn't have that big an assortment.
By the third go through, I was saying the dialogue along with the actors.

It's been a hot, dry summer.
And the garden and lawn look it.
I don't expect any miracles this September.
The garden won't suddenly get all perky looking.
It was easy to put it out of its misery.

In Winnipeg we have those huge roll-away garbage cans.
They get picked up and emptied by a mechanized garbage truck.
Anyway, in 2 hours I had filled the can.
That's all the weeding I can get rid of this week.

I wish it was that easy to get rid of stuff in the house.
No, my home doesn't look like a candidate for one of those Hoarders shows.
It's just that things have a tendency to come and stay.
Our home doesn't have that nice, empty look like the houses in the magazines.

I've read the articles.
A recent one made it sound so simple to get the crap out.
According to the author, clutter is often just unmade decisions.

In the hopes the list will help you, here it is:
1. How often do you use it?
2. Why are you keeping it?
3. Does it fit your current lifestyle?
4. Do you have space for it?
5. Do you love it?

The list didn't help me at all.

For example, take question 1.
I have a honking big black roasting pan with a lid.
I also have a turkey baster.
And a large platter with a turkey design carved into it.
They get used on Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The other 362 days a year they just take up space.
Clutter, right?
I should just toss them, right?
I'll bet they'll flunk the other questions!

Why keep them?
Well, we haven't gone vegetarian, especially for the holidays.

Does it fit my current lifestyle?
I don't have a lifestyle, just a family that eats meat.

Do I have space for them.
Let's just say the roaster is an eyesore that occupies a space.

Do I love them?
Get real.  Who loves a turkey baster?

I started to waver.

The author got deeply philosophical with me.
There was another set of questions, like
What is the worst, and the best, that could happen?
There was something about the Law of Attraction.
According to that law, what I focus on, I attract.
She said imagining the worse-case scenario would be the opposite of what I want.
I should imagine the best case scenario.

Alrighty then...
I'll toss the roasting pan, the turkey baster and the large platter.
According to the Law of Attraction I will focus on the best case scenario.
A work free, stress free holiday dinner.
Sure, that's what I want!
Paul will notice that the roasting pan, the turkey baster and the large platter are gone.
He will want a holiday dinner.
He will make a dinner reservation at a nice restaurant.

Hmmm... I don't think so.
I shouldn't expect any miracles this October, either.

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