Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Folklorama, Pop, Zorba and Facebook's Timeline by Margaret Ullrich, part 5, Weeding

We had a wonderful time visiting countries during Folklorama!
Now we pace ourselves.
And get home at a decent hour.
No more bunny hopping out the door while the pavilion is being closed at midnight!

Someone once said,
Only seeing one country is like only reading one page of a book.
We absolutely enjoyed reading more pages of the world's book.

Some of the countries have stopped putting on a show.
The volunteers had gotten old.
The kids weren't interested.
No problem.
There are folks from other countries happy to take their places.
And the new pavilions we visited - such as Ethiopia's - were fantastic!

We also visited our old favorite, the Greek pavilion.
This year they featured Sparta.
The food and the dancers were excellent.
Of course the show ended with a performance of the Zorba dance.
The folks at St. Demetrios now have a second building where they had their displays.

Ending shows of some countries.
Starting shows of other countries.
New locations... bigger, smaller, older, newer.
There are always changes.

Speaking of changes...
Facebook has noticed that I wasn't using Timeline.

On Sunday I checked my Facebook and found a note: 
Your timeline goes live on August 26. This gives you a chance to review what's here, highlight or hide whatever you want, and even share new experiences with social apps.  Learn more. 

Well, whoop dee flippin' doo. 
I spent Sunday afternoon editing my 'About' section.
They'd wanted me to add pictures and write a bit about each of my "life's events".
Instead I cut the dates of my graduations and jobs so they weren't on the timeline.

Timeline is useless and confusing.
I had changed radio shows in 2007.
Timeline posted that I'd 'quit' and 'worked' at CKUW - in that order - in 2007.
That's supposed to make sense?
And who would care?

I also eliminated the year I was married.
FB sent a notice to Paul about that new experience in my life.
Big deal... Paul and I have still been married over 40 years.
Longer than that dumb kid Zuckerberg has been alive.

I'm not interested in using Facebook as a personal scrapbook.
I didn't bother learning about the social apps.
I really don't give a rat's patootie about them.
I got rid of some events and likes.
I also dropped a few of the groups I had joined in more innocent days.

But I did join one new group.
When I joined it, there were 42,610 members.
And the number is growing.
Seems I'm not alone in being annoyed at the forced "improvement".

The FB help forum is filled with people who HATE Timeline. 
None of the posts have been answered by FB.
The page for I Hate Timeline is itself in timeline.
Yes, that is a bit ironic.

Mark Zuckerberg must have an awfully thick skin.
His company's stock is tanking.
Advertisers are leaving.
Folks on Facebook are complaining.
Yet he's not listening.

One customer had posted:
Timeline looks like Facebook threw up on itself!!!!
I'll go along with that.
Whatever happened to that rule of business:
The customer is always right.

In a way I am grateful to Mark.
This might just be the last straw.
People seem to be posting less.
I know I am.

On Monday night we watched Zorba the Greek on Turner Classic.
I can't picture Zorba wasting time posting on Facebook.
Nope...  He lived and savored the whole catastrophe.
He had time to dance.

Bye, Bye, Mark.
I want time to dance.

And, Mark... I'll let you guess where you can put those social apps.

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