Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Feng Shui and My Least Favourite Room, part 3 by Margaret Ullrich

Tonight will be full moon number eight for 2013.
Full moons are supposed to mean a job's been completed.
Well, I'm still working on the same project I started two months ago

Make your least favourite room your favourite.

And I'll probably still be working on it when the next full moon appears.
But I feel pretty good about the progress I've made.

Two weeks ago, when we had a new moon, I decided to enjoy summer.
And I have been.
Paul and I have just gotten back from a vacation in Ottawa.
We had a lovely time.
Clearing the room took a back seat to enjoying life now.
And that makes sense.

By the next full moon I should be done tossing the garbage out of that room.
Or not.
There aren't any Feng Shui police to check on my progress.
And summers are too short to waste.

About tonight's full moon...
According to the folks at astrology.com:  
Last month brought a full Moon in Aquarius, while today brings another full Moon in that same sign of the Water Bearer, lending extra attention to group efforts… 
The task during this emotionally heightened time is to maintain a balance between your needs and those of others… 
this is still a good time to join forces with others. 

Two full moons in Aquarius.
During them both I've been working on the same project.
But I've also been learning to take part in group efforts.
Even when it's just a group of two.

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